I'm only happy when it rains.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Marketing Theory - Nick's Hypothesis

There will ALWAYS be someone who buys your product, if you give them a good deal. Take Shit for example. Your advertisement says that if you buy my packet of shit, I'll give you free toilet paper, and it only costs one cent. People WILL NOT buy your shit because it gives free toilet paper. But, your shit still sells. Not good. Not good at all. However, it DOES sell. Why? There will ALWAYS be someone looking for what you are selling. They do not refer to advertisements and stuff because the GENUINELY want to buy shit. Therefore, they buy the packet of shit. Your product DOES NOT sell because of the incentives it gives, such as high quality toilet paper.

Likewise, the IT training programe that I am selling at the IT fair is of the highest grade you can find, it gives unthinkable incentives. But why doesn't it sell? Because people at the IT fair DO NOT need IT training and the people who want IT training DO NOT go to the IT fair to look for it. I wonder how Peter does his job. For the amount of good stuff you tell me about the company and its ONE PASS, You put it on air on the screen. You make a million dollars over night.

"Lucky Draw~! Lucky Draw~! Lucky Draw~!" - Three young girls who act like triplets at the IT Fair.


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