I'm only happy when it rains.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

So Many Things. So Little Time.

There I am, wasting my life away completely. I'm out the whole day, fooling around when I'm supposed to be finishing my mountain of assignments. Pathetic I say. Pathetic. Seriously, I tell myself that I'll blog when I get back home, but when I sit in front of the computer, my mind goes completely blank. I always prided myself in having a "good quality" blog post, it seems that I'm really out of words to write.

My blister's recovering slowly, but it presently looks like a moulting chicken. It keeps peeling and peeling. Its kinda painful to play fast. But I seems that I don't really have a choice, do I?

I've so many things to say to you. I've still no guts to do so. I wanna write a song for you, play it in front of everybody, then tell you I love you. But you probably won't be able to make it anyway. A song, I'll write you one. Its going to be horrible I guess.

If I told you everything. Would you take me seriously?

Seriously speaking, I've wasted another weekend. Two reports. One presentation. One Test. I'd kill myself, if you were not my reason to live. Somehow, the girl that played on Saturday night reminded of everything I wanted myself to be. I'd wanted to be confident. Confident of my skills. Confident of my voice. I just wanted to sing with emotion what I wanted to say to you.

Everything is starting to crash down. Projects, Reports. I'd know what to say. But you're making me feel as though I'm doing everything. I feel like I'm a teacher trying to help a student with his projects. In the end. They do the talking, and thats about it. I'm getting dizzy with all my class mates whizzing past me. Its. Disappointing.

I just had my first Tequila. It reminded me everything there is to know about what I thought about you. Sweet. Bold. Quiet. Refined. Sometimes I feel so intoxicated. With you.


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