I'm only happy when it rains.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I think I'm getting exhausted from the work in the lab. After the whole column's through, I get 5 test tubes of product. and its all tainted still. I think I'll redo the column and try and get my product. Its hard to imagine the work that I've to do, yet again.

Reports aren't helping much either. With two reports given on the same dateline, the agony of staying up late is going to come really really soon. LM and its standard addition method, and PCCC with its soap making.

I so want to read literature on my work, but its so troublesome to go and find. I can feel the pressure that I put on myself. My molecules are two weeks late and I don't like it one bit. And there's so much things to do. But so little time. And I'm feeling the heartburn/heartache of it all.


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