I was wondering about myself, and how much I don't know about myself, and it seems that my quiz has become kinda retarded, like me too. Well, I tried very hard to feel a little uplifted today, and I turned out quite pessimistic. I guess its kinda in my nature to put people down. All the way today I felt a little better, simply because I tried to. Cool huh. Imagine cancer patients getting cured simply because they want to. Well, it happens, once in a while.
My immune systems crumbling, I'm beginning to feel it. I'm getting sick and feeling weak, having headaches, tired of all that. Not really like me to fall sick, seems that the "impregnable fortress" has a leak. Haha, shit happens. Not like me if I don't encounter shit either.
Well, I was wondering how Richard gets really long blog posts and I do short short short short short ones, compared to him, and well, he writes a whole lot of Godly stuff. I guess I'll never be able to write like him, cause God's not doing stuff right now, he's on a holiday. Hah.
Well, was going through the titration today, and the first person that came in to mind was Mrs Lee Kian Soon. The reason why I'm studying in my course today. She was never my inspiration, she was my motivation. She made Chemistry seem fun, and she always made chemistry seem easier than a lot, she spent a lot of time and love coaching us, with all the past exam papers and stuff. She never ever made us feel like we were in the bottom of the bottom class, she always put 4D there for us for a challenge. Well Thanks Mrs Lee. I'm sure all of us in that class appreciate it.
Then comes Wong Liang Seng, The Voice. Although the only teacher that carries out ALL the threats he poses, he constantly reminds me not to be complacent with what I already have. The Voice, he inspires by impression. I remember the first chemistry lesson I had. He comes in, takes out the chemistry text book, and says, "You can throw this away, because this is useless. If you listen to me in class and do my homework, you can be on the way to getting your A1. You are a very lucky class, because you have the best chemistry teacher you can get."
Well, he looks like a piggy, but is a Guru in Chemistry, often having a gigantic mix of fun and laughter well enforcing strict discipline in class. Often you see 3/4 of my class standing outside, including me, doing homework. He always groomed us in a way that we were proud of who we are, he always made fun of people, but he always commanded our respect. Every Single one of us, of course including DvD. The Guru of Chemistry, he told me,"You will know everything about Chemistry when you don't know anything about Chemistry."
Well the true reason I entered DCP was because of Teck. You could say he's my tuition teacher, but I regard him more as a friend. Well, doesn't learning become so much easier when you're friends? He often explained things in a way I could understand. In a way that I wanted to understand. Physics, Chemistry or Math, he always made away to explain the most simple things. Most teachers tell you to remember formulas. Teck would tell u why the formulas work like that and then tell you how to derive the other formulas from that one so you wouldn't have to remember so much.
Thats so many teachers that pushed me this far, its time for me to pull myself to the finish line I guess.
"Do well in poly and come to NTU to study next time so I can lim kopi with you." - Teck Guan
I miss you, Victoria,

Your Spirit and Everything in it,

And all the teachers,

And all the Gurus,

I miss my class.